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    Certified Wellness & Transformational Coach

  • About

    Helping people expand their awareness and possibilities to make their dreams the future days.

    Jina Berro is a certified Health and Wellness Coach and Neuromeditation instructor specializing in lifestyle and mindset changes, prompting a positive, healthy, mental, and physical approach to one’s life. Through her growth journey from being an anxious and impulsive person to a calm and mindful one, she has learned and utilized many modalities that she can share. She guides her clients in unleashing their self-power and using their strengths to be the best version of themselves. Becoming an avid meditator and experiencing the fantastic results in her transformation led Jina Berro to learn Neuromeditation and become an instructor.


    Jina Berro has a comprehensive psychology background and certification in clinical hypnosis, medical massage therapy, Reiki, Neuromeditation instructor, HeartMath®, and practices positive neuroplasticity and PSYCH-K® facilitation. She has knowledge of the mind and body connection through thoughts, movements, and energy, which she translates to a customized plan to help clients reach their maximum potential and inner peace.

  • Mission

    As a Health and Wellness Coach and Life Consultant, I partner with clients who are seeking lasting changes that align with their values in order to continue promoting health and wellness influence in their lives. I honor that each person is an expert on their lives, and I approach all my coaching and consulting interactions with respect and no judgment. I want to reach out to every person that struggles with their self-worth to unleash their inner power. I see each person’s power clearly and believe people can see this within themselves and accomplish whatever they want in their lives. I am a strong believer in a positive mindset and the capability of manifesting the desired outcomes and ultimate dreams. I coach because this profession allows me to see that every person can make a difference in their lives and in others. There are no limits to achieving whatever you want with the right help. I’m very passionate about uplifting others and helping them discover their unique abilities. The coaching journey is a healing and self-discovering tool that starts with you accepting where you are and visualizing where you will be.


    In addition to helping individuals, my aim is to help communities make a lasting difference. Currently, I am partnering with non-profit and healthcare organizations to bring coaching to those who engage most with their communities in order to inspire and encourage healthy attitudes and lifestyles through the example of leaders.


  • Get In Touch.

    Expect more.

    Eugene, Oregon 97401
    24 hrs